Notice of Funding Opportunity Background and Purpose South Carolinians are often faced with barriers that prevent them from entering or remaining in the workforce.
Barriers to employment could include transportation, childcare, disabilities, lack of housing, and criminal records.
The SC Works System seeks to address these barriers and match job seekers with high-quality employment through a network of SC Works Centers and Connection Points.
Connection Points provide free public access to computers, Unemployment Insurance claims assistance, and tools to guide job seekers through the job search process.
Currently, a majority of the Connections Points are located in public libraries; however, there is an opportunity to extend the reach of the workforce development system through partnership with faith-based and community organizations (FBCOs).
FBCOs are essential stakeholders in South Carolina communities.
They are increasingly recognized for their potential to improve communities of low socioeconomic status through social services and community development.
Communities seek and trust FBCOs as a connection to the resources and services that will help them achieve economic stability. FBCOs can serve as a connection to employment resources. The SC Department of Employment and Workforce (DEW) will provide grant funding, with award amounts of up to $25,000, to FBCOs to stand-up employment connection points. FBCOs may submit requests for funding through the Connection Points Expansion Grant.
Eligible Applicants Eligible applicants are 501(c)(3) or other charitable organizations that have applied for and received a tax exemption, and meet the following additional requirements:
- Geographically located in an under-served community as defined by the applicant
- Has a physical location that is accessible to the public and compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), in which the entity can provide in-person services
- Has publicly available Internet access
- Has the resources to purchase and set-up a Connection Point Entities that have an existing computer lab, or similar set-up in which the entity can establish a Connection Point, are ineligible to apply for funding through the Connection Points Expansion Grant.
Priority will be given to entities located in the Tier III and Tier IV counties, as defined by the SC Department of Revenue:
TIER III Counties: Abbeville, Chesterfield, Clarendon, Colleton, Darlington, Fairfield, Greenwood, Horry, Jasper, Laurens, McCormick, Sumter
TIER IV Counties: Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Cherokee, Chester, Dillon, Lee, Marion, Marlboro, Orangeburg, Union, Williamsburg 1 Period of Performance
The period of performance is 6 months from, December 1, 2022, to May 31, 2023.
FBCO Connection Points must be operational within 90-days of receipt of the grant award.
Distribution of Funds
Grant awards will be distributed on a reimbursement basis, meaning that grantees will purchase approved equipment and supplies and then submit documentation of expenditures for reimbursement. FBCOs will need start-up funds to purchase equipment for a designated space. Allowable Use of Funds: Funding may only be used to cover reasonable expenses necessary for the set-up of a Connection Point.
- Computers and related accessories, including monitors, keyboards, mice, headphones, and cables/cords
- Computer software to enable the creation of resumes, cover letters, and job applications
- Printers and scanners with related accessories, including ink, toner, and paper
- Technical services needed for computer and Connection Point set up
- Other reasonable costs approved by DEW Partnership and Collaboration
Applicants must develop and describe a referral process with their local SC Works Center to ensure that individuals who need additional services can access those services through SC Works.
Additional services may include career guidance and counseling, supportive services, and training services, and the Connection Point should refer individuals to the appropriate program that provides these services.
A directory of SC Works Centers can be found by going to
Applicants selected to receive a Connection Points Expansion Grant are required to attend a mandatory orientation session and to complete training on the state’s workforce development system, the job database system, and the Unemployment Insurance website.
Application Instructions
To apply for this grant, please complete and submit the following attachments to Grants Management at
- Attachment A: Application & Budget Narrative
- Attachment B: Budget Planning Worksheet
- Attachment C: Standard Assurances and Certifications
- Attachment D: Three letters of support, including one from a local SC Works Center/workforce board Applicants must clearly and completely respond to all application questions, highlighting throughout their ability and unique qualifications.
Failure to answer every question thoroughly and honestly or include all requested documentation will result in a non-responsive application and disqualification. In addition to the questions asked below, please include any additional, relevant information as necessary.
Applications are due by Friday, September 30, 2022. 2 Application Review and Award Submissions will be reviewed initially to determine responsiveness. Incomplete/non-responsive applications will not be evaluated for funding.
Complete/responsive applications will be recommended for a full review. A responsive application includes all the required components indicated in the Notice of Funding. Reviewers will evaluate responsive applications using a uniform evaluation rubric totaling 100 points.
Evaluation criteria align with the application and assess the applicant’s need for funding, outreach and service delivery strategy, and budget.
Awards will be made to applicants with the highest number of points. Information Session Applicants are invited to attend a Connection Points Expansion Grant Information Session on Wednesday, September 7, 2022, at 2:00 p.m., to learn more about Connection Points and the funding opportunity.
See information session meeting details below: Connection Points Expansion Grant Information Session Wednesday, September 7, 2022, at 2:00 p.m.
Microsoft Teams meeting Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 222 636 330 082 Passcode: i9H7CD Or call in (audio only) +1 803-400-6195 Phone Conference ID: 994 267 03#
Please email questions or requests for additional information to Grants Management at
Original source can be found here.